Accidents & Injuries
If you have hurt yourself in any way – whether it’s your back, neck or some other part of your body – Rodney W. McGinley, D.C. in Nebraska City can help you. Many times if the proper care is given and there is ample time allowed to heal, most problems will resolve themselves rather quickly.
On the other hand, procrastination in care or medicating pain just so you feel better will usually only make matters worse. If you have hurt yourself, call Rodney W. McGinley, D.C. in Nebraska City to get the care you need.
Farming Accidents
Farming can be a pretty hard on the body! Whether it’s hitting a bump while you’re on your tractor, or it’s hopping over a fence after being chased a cow, throwing the fence post a little awkwardly, picking up that tore you thought wasn’t too heavy, or lugging heavy buckets of feed through a muddy pen to feed cattle, it all Can be pretty hard on the body.
Since Nebraska city and surrounding areas are known for their farming communities, these types of injuries are very common. Get the best possible treatment to avoid Lon term problems. Call Rodney W. McGinley, D.C. to get the help you need.
Sports Injuries
If you play baseball, soccer, football, volleyball, softball, wrestle, or any number of other sports, you already know they can be quite traumatic on the body.
A sports injury left untreated or treated improperly can lead to a lifetime of pain and or disability. If you or a family member has been injured do not hesitate to contact me at my office in Nebraska City. Some injuries take very little care and some require quite extensive care, but you can be assured you will receive the best care at Mcginley Chiropractic Center.
Complete Chiropractic Care
Conditions Treated
Suffering from any of these conditions? Looking to pinpoint and address the root cause of your symptoms? Contact us today for your free initial consultation.
- Chronic Illness
- Allergies / Sinus
- Blood Pressure
- Migraines
- Headaches
- Back Pain
- Scoliosis
- Postural Distortions
- Fatigue
- Shoulder Pain
- Sleeping Disorders
- Neck Pain
- Asthma
- Disc Herniation
- Ear Infections
- Pregnancy Problems
- Tingling / Numbness
- Sciatica
- Pinched Nerve